Tuesday 12 April 2016

Symmetric cryptography

Symmetric cryptography:

This is an encryption technique where all entities share a common secret key. In this process the key used to encrypt and decry pt a message must be kept a secret. We should note that in symmetric and asymmetric encryption forms the strength of cryptographer is measured by length of key in bits. The confidentiality service of cryptography depends on number of variable associated with encryption function same of these are.

1. The security protocol or application used o invoke the encryption function.
2. The trust in the platform executing the protocol or application
3. The cryptography algorithm
4. The length of keys used for encryption/decryption
5. The storage of secret keys.

As the key length increases the strength of a system also increases. Any key length less than 64 bits is no longer considered to be secure. In symmetric key systems both the sender the receiver of the message must have access to the same key. This key is a secret key and is used to both encrypt and decry pt the message.

Asymmetric cryptography:

In this process it uses public key which is quite opposite to secret key. The public key method allows a sender and a receiver to generate a shared secret key over an insecure telecommunications line. This process uses an algorithm based on the sender's and receiver's public and private information. In this the secret key is shared which avoids problem of transmitting it over an in secure telecommunications line.

EDI is not a successful technology for the small business:

EDI stands for electronic data interchange which can be defined as inter crosses communication of the business, information between different computers which is in a standardized electronic form. Every aspect of business like placing purchase orders, sending acknowledgements, and even booking is also done by EDI now a days. With the help of EDI different businesses can cut an the costs involved in postage and carriers as well the paper cost is also eliminated to a large extent. Event the payments can be made electronically with the help of EDI. One of the important benefit of EDI is that it reduce the transaction cost which is done through speed and efficiency of filling orders. EDI  can be used in various business sectors like.


In spite of many advantages EDI is not so much popular only due to the reasons like high initial setup cost, absence of any legal frame work in case of any disputes and main reason is that it needs to follow standardized formats world wide which is quite a difficult task. EDI is quite expensive and it is difficult to implement which has some pitfalls which might be considered in any business. It is also having different reasons like lack of single good standard, every business need to came forward to accept all the business standards which is really not done. EDI  facility is available only in the by businesses which form a link only between the for by organizations as it is too expensive. But in the coming future we shall expect EDI to take over all the large scale and small scale businesses.