Sunday 10 April 2016

Limitations of e-commerce

Limitations of e-commerce:

1.Lack of system security, reliability, standards and some communication protocols.

2.Insufficient bandwidth.

3.Rapidly changing software development tools.

4.Difficulty in integrating the internet e-commerce software with same existing applications and data bases.

5.Incompatibility of some software, same hardware or operating system or other components.


WWW stands for world wide web. it is a part of internet. it is a global read-write information space. Here text document images,multimedia and many other items of information referred to as resources are identified by short, unique global identifier called uniform resource identifiers. so that each can be found accessed and cross referenced in the simplest possible way. many people use techs terms internet and world wide web as interchangeable. but in fact the two terms are not synonyms. the internet and WWW or simply web is away of accessing information over that is built on top of internet.the web uses http protocol WWW also utilizes browsers like internet explorer nest cape navigator to access web documents called web pages.